What started as a place to record my Cross stitching is mostly Crochet but occasionally a bit of stitching.
Friday, 20 May 2011
Post three ~ yes three in one day ~ Giveaway!
But this one is because I am having a blogoversary giveaway! I think it has been four years now I have been blogging, I didn't have a giveaway last year! So if you would like something from me, yes I am going to make something for one person.
So you know the drill, leave me a comment on THIS POST ONLY PLEASE! and I will put you in the draw which I will draw Sunday 29th May. If you want to spread the word about this giveaway then please do so!!
Congrats on your 4 year anniversary... well done! Thank you for all your comments on my blog I have been as you know otherwise engaged with moving!! It has been very stressful just unpacking and paring down our belongings!
Oh, oh! Count me in ;o)
Happy Blogaversary!
Congratulations! I'd love a chance to win something made by you...thanks for the opportunity.
Pick me! Pick me!
Happy Bloggiversary!
Congratulations! I would like to participate =D
I would love to be entered into your draw - thank you for the opportunity x
Happy Blogoversary! Please include me in the draw
I also would like to enter your giveaway.It sounds interesting. Thank you for the chance;)
Congrats on your 4 year anniversary... well done!
Thank you for all your comments on my blog I have been as you know otherwise engaged with moving!! It has been very stressful just unpacking and paring down our belongings!
Hugs Chris x
Ohhh add me please. Congrats on 4 years. x
Congratulations on your four years Rachael! Happy Blogoversary!
Happy Blogiversary Rachel! Please enter me in your draw!!
Congrats on 4 years of blogging - I'd love to be entered into your draw.
Happy Blogaversary Racheal, may you have many more years to come
happy 4th blogoversary Rachael, I hope you have many more ahead of you
please enter me into your draw, thank you x
Yes please, add my name into your draw
Happy Blogoversary!
Congratulations on the Blogoversary - Count me in for the Giveaway :)
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